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Fanie Viljoen’s book Uit [Out] was added to the IBBY honour roll for 2015/2016.

Photo: Izak de Vries (Lapa)

Veertjies 2015 Izak de Vries

Fanie Viljoen receives the ATKV children’s book award for his book Plons [Splash]. Sandra Prinsloo (left) presented the prize. Arnelle Woker (middle) received the award for the book’s wonderful illustrations.

Photo: Izak de Vries (Lapa)

Lapa Jeugroman

Fanie Viljoen receives the 2nd place in the Lapa youth novel awards (2015) from Japie Gouws, the managing director of the ATKV.


Giving a talk at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.

lapa prys

The winners of the first Lapa literary awards (2012).

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One of the best schools in the country – Eikestad Primary School.


Fanie Viljoen, Nanette van Rooyen and Carina Hugo talk about youth novels in Stellenbosch.

Vrystaat Kunstefees 2015

Alexander Strachen, Fanie Viljoen and Joan Hambidge at the Free State Arts Festival (2015).


The wonderful personnel of Graffiti books.


The first ever magazine cover! With authors Jaco Jacobs and Carina Hugo. It was great fun.


Writers need to rest as well. Fanie Viljoen in Mykonos, Greece (2014).


Leeus met Letsels was on the IBBY honour roll in 2014. Prof. Franci Greyling took this photo at the exhibition in Bologna, Italy.


Mikro Primary School listens to stories.

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Fanie Viljoen and Jaco Jacobs with the legend: David Kramer.

2011 5 - Copy

Fanie Viljoen receives a children’s book award from Fiona van Kerwel.

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Which book should I buy?

