Meatball, the ghost dog Books for Children English by Fanie Viljoen - 3rd March 20240 Is it a dog? A see-through Jack Russell? Like a … ghost dog? Hugo Rudd doesn’t know if he should be scared. How many people have ever seen a ghost dog? It’s incredible, right? But this is only the beginning of the story … Meatball needs a new home. There is only one problem: How do you find a forever home for a ghost dog? Also available in Afrikaans as Frikkadel, die spookhond. Buy Buy Meatball, the ghost dog at all good bookshops, or click to order it online. Extract “Wow, Loxie! Did you eat a dinosaur? Where does all this poo come from?” asked Hugo Rudd. He scooped up yet another bum rocket with the shovel and tossed it in the bucket. Loxie, the bulldog, watched him with wide eyes. Then she burped. Hugo laughed and scratched her head. “Never mind, I’m not angry. I do it because I love you bunch of brats so much!” Loxie licked Hugo’s hand – probably to thank him. Hugo picked up the bucket and made his way to the next dog cage. PAW PARADISE was his mom’s place. He didn’t have a dad any more, so his mom had her hands full with all the dogs at the animal shelter. It was Hugo’s job to clean the cages. After that, he made sure that each dog had food and water. Suddenly, behind him in the corridor, he heard footsteps. “I want a smart dog that can learn tricks. And can sleep on the bed with me. And help me with my maths,” said a girl making her way past the cages. She was with her mom and dad. Hugo turned to them. This was the best part of working at the shelter: when one of the dogs was adopted. Every dog deserves a good life. And someone who will love them. Every dog deserves a forever home. Want to read further Buy Meatball, the ghost dog at all good bookshops, or click to order it online. Share on Facebook Share 0 Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share 0 Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share 0 Total Shares